Photograph by Nikiya Berry
“Our Las Vegas” is delighted to be working this year with students in Professor Mary Hausch‘s Advanced Reporting Class in the UNLV Hank Greenspun School of Journalism & Media Studies. During the year, we’re collaborating on a number of projects – including the Daily Frame to which Ms. Berry is making her second contribution.
She writes: “The art on the cube is constantly changing. Anyone is welcome to draw or paint on the cube. Everyone is encouraged to write down their goals and wishes and put it inside the cube. The cube will burn on March 21 and everyone’s wishes will burn into the universe. The more you write down your wishes and set your goals, the more likely you can manifest your destiny.”
She adds: “I felt the positive energy while at The Life Cube and will definitely be back again. I am trying to spread the message to my friends to come, write down their wishes and support the project before the burn.”
Las Vegas born and raised Nikiya Berry is in her second semester at UNLV. Prior to enrolling, she attended the College of Southern Nevada. She plans to pursue a career in broadcast journalism. She notes: “I can edit, shoot, report and write and like all of it. I am adventurous and inquisitive which gives me opportunities to meet new people and learn new things.”
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Made possible with the generous support of the City of Las Vegas Arts Commission, “The Daily Frame,”, a project of “Our Las Vegas,” showcases a wide range of photographs that celebrate the City’s unique culture, cityscape and residents.
Photographers | artists | creatives interested in participating are enthusiastically encouraged to contact us at ourlasvegas at gmail dot com.