The Life Cube Project has many moving parts, and there are tons of diverse elements that express the Life Cube experience. One of those activities is teaching children about the importance of writing down your goals. Life Cube artist Scott Cohen has brought The Life Cube Project to thirteen schools in Reno, speaking to over two thousand students about his own personal experience as a young person, deriving both inspiration and ultimately, success from the lifelong habit of writing down his goals, dreams, wishes, and aspirations. If you’ve ever wondered how much of Scott’s presentation to school children they really grasp, this week we had a chance to hear from a parent.
Matina, who works at the Whitney Peak Hotel hosting some of the Life Cube team in Reno, overheard Scott’s conversation with Kennia, a project assistant, one evening in the guest lounge. She immediately walked over, and excitedly shouted “You’re the Cube!” She sat with us for several minutes recounting the most wonderful experience she had that day while picking up her son from school. Her son happened to be one of the children whose school Scott had visited, and his enthusiasm for the Life Cube Project was uncontainable over the course of their car ride home. She explained that on any given day, her son doesn’t have much to report about school and generally has no interest in discussing what he’s learned. That day was very different. Matina then told us the story of the Life Cube, what the wish tags were for, and why you should write downs your goals — all in her son’s own words. Not only did her son explain The Life Cube to her accurately, but he also used Scott’s exact expressions from the presentation. He remembered everything that Scott spoke about, and begged her to come to the Reno Sculpture Festival to see the Cube. It is always rewarding to visit schools and teach our young minds about the importance of writing down their goals, but having a first-hand look at the impact it truly has on them is the greatest gift Scott and the Life Cube Team can receive.