Over a year ago, I wrote down the goal of creating a Life Cube art installation in a city or museum around the world. The Life Cube Project in Downtown Las Vegas is a dream come true. The number of people that are helping make this all happen is amazing. We begin pre-build in Jan, site construction in Feb, and burn it in March. Plans include a place for people to write their dreams, goals, wishes, aspirations and deposit in the Cube, tapestry walls, multiple murals, photo archives of old Downtown LV, write-boards, and satellite Cubes in businesses and schools. Very exciting to be involved in this project. More details to follow. Below are some photos I’m using to tell the story to people in the Las Vegas community. #ephemeralart #lifecube #lasvegas #dtlv http://www.facebook.com/thelifecube
The Life Cube Project Logo Nov 2013
The first Life Cube built in Black Rock City. 8′ x 8′ able to support 10 people. Build Team was 4 people, burn team 20 people.
Life Cube Official Wish-Stick 2011
Life Cube design for 2012. 16×16 feet; Team 50 people.
Life Cube 2011 Lighting by Trevor Brown
Burn in Black Rock City attended by about 1000 people.
Life Cube 2013 design by Kevin Pellon, DSB+ Architect. Size 24 x 24 Feet.
Write down your goals, dreams, wishes, & aspirations and deposit them here.
Life Cube Wish-Sticks
Depositing Wish-Sticks in the Life Cube, creating a moment.
Life Cube Write-Board
Life Cube Tapestry Wall Assembly
Over 100 artists submitted 2×2 foot panels for the Life Mosaic
Tapestry Wall on Life Cube 2013
Photos of Burning Man since the early days on The Life Cube
Mural by Angelina Cristina
Photo of Life Cube by Tomas Loewy
Life Cube Burn 2013 Black Rock City
Life Cube Wish-Stick 2013 with Sacred Geometry