LIFE IS GOOD! We were able to secure a flat bed truck from a local dealer today. This makes Gordy very happy. It will be so much easier to bring the pre-assembled panels out to the playa now. In addition, I am juggling the Early Admin passes. It has been a bit of a challenge, but in the end, everything will work out just fine. Yesterday I was able to get through most of the stuff on my list – still a few things to do/get…but what’s the worry — we do not leave ’til sunrise on Sunday!
Kickstarter has been great to work with. There is one supporter we have not been able to track down, and I have been going back and forth with their customer service. Not perfect by any means, but the platform did provide a way for friends and family to make contributions to and connect with the project.
Please Please – If you read this, and you’re not going to Burning Man, send your wishes and I will make sure they get deposited into The Life Cube.